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admin头像 admin 体育热点 2024-05-17 23:05:52 32



sign-and-trade 先签后换,NBA的一种交易球员的方式。 mid-level exception 中产阶级条款,即允许球队给任何一个球员一份等同于每年的NBA平均工资的合约,不受工资帽的限制。

One of the glaring questions this offsesason was whether Karl and Martin could repair the rift between them. Martin still has five years left on the seven-year, $93 million deal he signed before Karl joined the Nuggets. (掘金队在)假期面临的棘手问题时主教练卡尔于马丁的关系能否修复。球队在卡尔到来之前与马丁签下的7年9300万美元的合同,还差5年才到期。

After what he experienced on draft night, trade deadline day will be no sweat for Randy Foye. Foye was one of four players among the top seven picks who quickly learned one of the NBA's lessons on Wednesday night: Don't get too comfortable in one place. And he learned it twice. 在经历了选秀之夜后,转会截止日对兰迪·福耶来说就根本不算什么了。星期三的晚上,前7位新秀中的4人很快就被NBA上了一课:没有哪个地方是久留之地。而福耶,则领教了两次。 福耶在首轮第7顺位被凯尔特人选中后,随即被交换到开拓者队。而开拓者队马上又用福耶从森林狼队换来6号新秀罗伊。仅仅一个晚上,福耶就被交易了两次。

"I'm surprised when the ball doesn't go into the hoop," West said toward the end of his career. "I think I should make every shot." “如果哪个球没进我才会感到意外,”韦斯特在退役前曾说,“我想每个球我都能投进。” 韦斯特在谈到1970年总决赛第三场那记19米处的压哨远投时所表现出来的超强自信令人折服。 Hoop:篮筐。

Shaquille O'Neal grabbed and hugged him. Heat owner Micky Arison wrapped his arms around him. And Wade simply raised one finger high. 奥尼尔把韦德抓过来拥抱了他,热火老板阿里森把韦德搂在怀里,而韦德只是把一根手指高高举起。 这是韦德被宣布为总决赛MVP时的场景。

