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奥运新闻,Olympic news英语短句,例句大全

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奥运新闻,Olympic news英语短句,例句大全

奥运新闻,Olympic news
1)Olympic news奥运新闻
1.From a large number of Olympic news, we can find that they have used for reference of hero narrating structure of literature and shows hero narrative modeling of Olympic news, by multi-level, multi-angle, three-dimensionalization.从大量的奥运新闻报道中可以发现,新闻报道借鉴了文学中的英雄叙事架构,多层面、多视角、立体化呈现了奥运新闻报道英雄叙事框架。

1.A Research on Hero Narration in 2008 Beijing Olympic News Reporting2008北京奥运新闻报道英雄叙事研究
2.Network Dissemination and New Pattern of Beijing Olympic News Dissemination;网络传播与北京奥运新闻传播的新格局
3.The Glamour of Arena--A Keen Sight on Strength and Production of Olympics News Headlines;竞技场边竞风流——奥运新闻标题力度及生成观照
4.Pragmatic Functions of Hedges in Olympic News Reports模糊限制语在奥运新闻报道中的语用功能
5.The Translation Factor in Reuters' Reports on the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games路透社2008奥运中英文新闻之翻译元素
6.A Study of Reference of Journalism and Communications in the 10th National Games of China to Beijing Olympic Games;十届全运会新闻传播对北京奥运会的借鉴研究
7.I read an interesting article this morning about the Olympic games.今早我读了一篇有关奥运会的新闻,非常有趣儿。
8.The Return of Humanism to the Sport News from the Athens Report从雅典奥运报道看体育新闻中人文主义的复归
9.The press conference for the athletics competition of the... Olympic Games now begins.第……届奥运会田径比赛的新闻发布会现在开始。
10.How far is this Media Village to the Olympic Village and the Main Press Center?这个媒体村离奥运村和主新闻中心有多远?
11.On the Development of Sports News under the Concept of Cultural Olympics;论人文奥运理念背景下体育新闻的发展
12.Research on News Report Thought and Countermeasures about 2008 Beijing Olympic Games08北京奥运会新闻报道思路与对策研究
13.Research and Analyze on Overseas Media's Reportage Characteristic in Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运会国外媒体新闻报道特点探析
14.Theodore Roosevelt and American Muckraking Movement;西奥多·罗斯福与美国黑幕揭发运动——兼论西奥多·罗斯福的新闻思想
15.The Reportage Service Reform of the Chinese Internet Media--Taking Sina Reporting in Beijing Olympic for Example.浅谈中国网络媒体新闻报道业务的改革——以新浪奥运报道为例
16.Affections from New Media Use in the Sports News of the Future Development during the Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运新媒体的实践及对体育新闻传播的未来影响
17.As a result, the international press followed the 1924 Olympics in much greater detail than before.其结果是,国际新闻界给予了1924年奥运会更详尽的报道。
18.Figures of Speech in Olympic Football News and Their Pedagogical Implications on ESL Teaching奥运足球英语新闻报道修辞格分析及其对外语教学的启示

Olympics Television News奥运会电视新闻
3)Press Policy of the Olympic Games奥运新闻政策
4)Olympic news reports奥运新闻报道
5)Olympic report of news sites新闻网站奥运报道
6)News medium operation新闻运作
1.News medium operation is a complete dynamic process .它在新闻运作中具有主体性、权威性、普遍适用性和不可违背性的特征。

